Wholesome Recipes for Mindful Living
12 inflation hacks for smart planners: part II
So-easy tuna sandwich
Easy pasta salad for warm days
What-is-in-the-fridge salad
You can make Kimchi - Really.
Spicy cauliflower over rice - addictive without MSG
When bibimbap meets avocado
Potato buckwheat pancake
Almond cookies that smell like holidays
Gourmet kimchi rice
Refreshing seaweed cucumber soup
Simple curry that slows down aging
Pumpkin adzuki bean porridge: a skinny comfort superfood
Granola that will replace your cookies
Stir-fried rice cakes: a toothsome snack
Pad Thai at home: let's talk about the sauce
Korean sweet potato noodles with assorted vegetables: my friends' favorite potluck dish
Spicy beef stew with soft tofu
Quirky, summer squash chili
Refreshing Seafood Tom Yum Soup
Hi There
I have put together here simple, healthy, and delicious recipes that use mostly whole grains and vegetables.
You can also find science-backed ideas that promote our well-being.
Please share your thoughts on these recipes and ideas so that we can build a mindful community around us!
I also invite you to connect with me on the following social media.